Quick Maintenance Checklist for Your Log Cabin

Take a moment to walk around your home.
Here are some signs that your cabin may need a new coat of stain or caulking/chinking maintenance:
- Faded finish on South or West exterior walls
- Varying shades on top and bottom of logs
- Gray discoloration from weathering
- Blonde color around checks and cracks
- Gaps between caulking/chinking joints
- Presence of mold, mildew or excessive dirt
- Cracking, peeling or flaking of the log finish
- Water repellency is an easy way to determine when it’s time to apply a maintenance coat.
To check if the stain on your home is still repelling water, perform the following simple test:
Hose down your home. If the water beads up, you still have good protection and can wait 6-12 months before your next application. If the water soaks into the wood, it’s time to reapply.
For more information on all things log cabins, check out our other Log Blog articles, check out LogFinish.com, or give us a call @ 888-208-2248. We are here to help!
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