Tag Archives: Asian Lady Beetles

ladybug asian lady beetle

Tips for Preventing and Treating Ladybug Infestations

In the Fall, many homeowners experience an overwhelming onset of Ladybugs in their homes. Ladybugs are particularly attracted to homes in wooded areas, homes with natural wood siding that is warmed by the sun, homes with lots of cracks and crevices and are often attracted to light colored areas on homes.  It is thought that […]

Product Spotlight: Keep Your Home Insect Free, Naturally!

Do you have Carpenter Bees or boring wasps that are drilling holes in your wood?  Ladybugs in the eaves and nooks of your roof and attic? Silverfish coming from your basement? It’s never too early to start thinking about protecting your home from the pesky insects that come out around March or April.   Treat all […]