Tag Archives: wood cleaner


Product Spotlight: Introducing A Marine Waterproofer That Is Safe For Use Over Fresh and Saltwater

Many boat owners will use the Fall and Winter seasons to clean and re-stain their docks and piers.  Often times, re-staining a dock involves moving the structure out of the water, which  can take up a lot of time and labor.  With All Wood Cleaner and Seal Once Marine Waterpoofer, docks no longer need to […]


Cleaning Your Log Cabin

Why should you clean the exterior of  your log home? 1. Maintain the durability and appearance of your exterior finish. 2. Dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants provide a food source for fungal growth on your logs. 3. If using a contact insecticide, dirt accumulated on the exterior surface of your home will prevent bugs […]