Outlast Q8 Log Oil End Cut Solution

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[Free Shipping on all 5 gallons] Outlast Q8 Log Oil End Cut Solution for pressure treated end cuts, fastener punctures, cross arm maintenance, utility poles, pilings and railroad ties augments the factory treatment and maintains the warranty offered by the wood treater.

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SKU: Q8-END Category:

Using Oxine Copper (copper-8-quinolinolate), Q8 Log Oil® End Cut Solution is specifically for augmenting the factory treatment of pressure treated wood to maintain the warranty offered by the wood treater. If you are using Q8 Log Oil for logs, decks, railings, etc, please refer to product information and instructions for Outlast­­®­ Q8 Log Oil®.

Free shipping on all 5 gallon containers!

outlast q8 end cut color choicesApply Outlast® Q8 Log Oil® End Cut Solution to end cuts of pressure-treated lumber to help prevent deterioration caused by termites, mold, mildew, and decay causing organisms. Pressure treated wood is augmented with decay control chemicals to enhance longevity.  These chemicals penetrate all surfaces to a significant level, but do not reach the very center of the board.  When 5/4 decking or structural supporting members of a deck is cut or drilled for fasteners during construction, the center, untreated portion is exposed. This end cut needs a boost of extra protection from a wood preservative to augment the factory treatment and maintain the warranty offered by the wood treater.

Outlast® Q8 Log Oil® End Cut Solution is an EPA registered wood preservative and exterior finish in one.  The formulation is AWPA (American Wood Protection Association) vetted and specified to protect end cuts of pressure treated lumber from decay causing organisms (rot, mold, termites, powder post beetles, etc).  For best results, hand brush or dip the cut portion of the wood until saturated with Clear (00) Outlast® Q8 Log Oil®. The solution “wicks up” the cut end grain to “heal” the cut end.

Product Type: Oil-based formula

Uses: End cuts of pressure treated wood

  • Meets AWPA Standard M-4 for End Cut treatments
  • Required by the IRC (International Residential Code)
  • Meets all Federal, State and Local VOC restrictions
  • Registered and available to residents of all 50 US States
  • Will never peel
  • Freeze/Thaw stable – extended shelf life
  • Detergent and water clean-up
  • Superior water repellency
  • Stops rot and decay organisms
  • Controls cracking and splitting
  • Available in 1 gallon and five gallon pails


Size Smooth Rough Sawn
1 Gallon 125-150 sqft 100-125 sqft
5 Gallon 625-750 sqft 500-625 sqft

Product Facts for Outlast Q8 Log Oil End Cut Solution

Application Temperature
  • 50° F (10° C) – 90° F (32° C)
Application Methods
  • Natural Bristle Brush for Oil-Based Stain
  • Dipping
  • Roller
  • Pump up Sprayer
Surface Preparation
  • Low Pressure washer
  • Clean and Dry
  • Free of Mold and Mildew
  • Moisture Content 18% or Below
Special Instructions
  • Do not add machine pigments to alter the color for horizontal or walking surfaces
  • Stir container frequently during application
  • Apply one fully saturating coat
  • Combine full containers with partial
Drying Time
  • 24-48 hours depending on temperature
Cure Time
  • 2-4 weeks depending on temperature

Q8 Log Oil on deck and raftersCommercial and Industrial Users

For pressure treated end cuts, fastener punctures, cross arm maintenance, utility poles, piling contractors and railroad ties we recommend Outlast­­® Q8 Log Oil­­® in Clear.  A backpack sprayer is a handy way to easily deliver the required amount of remedial wood preservative to exposed cut areas.


  1. Thoroughly shake or stir the container to disperse the pigments evenly if using Natural (02) End Cut Solution.
  2. Apply to the surface area by either dipping, brushing, or spraying with a pump up sprayerOutlast® Q8 Log Oil® is “self-leveling” and easy to work with.
  3. If any liquid remains unabsorbed after about 20 minutes, simply mop it up and smooth it out.
  4. Initial curing time is normally within a day or so, but the surface can be gently walked on when no liquid or puddles are visible.
  5. Expect the appearance to be somewhat darker during application because it lightens significantly during the approximate 2 week total curing period.
  6. Reapply annually for the first 2 years, and as desired thereafter.

After construction, apply more of the same or select one of our 6 pre-tinted Outlast® Q8 Log Oil® colors to the entire project – decks, steps, spindles and railings – for a beautiful translucent stain. (Other commercially available oil or water based deck stains may be applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendation).  Be aware that most commercial deck stains mandate a drying period after construction and prior to staining to allow the wood to dry.  This is because newly purchased treated lumber is usually very wet, from the pressure treating process.


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